Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2010
Sunday 17/10/2010: Morning
On this very auspicious day of Vijayadasami, the day broke at 5:20 am for the UK group with Aumkaar, Suprabhaatham and universal Vedic prayers, followed by a special talk on the Vijayadashami festival. Vijayadasami is a special festival which combines the following sacred events:
1 - Culmination of Navaratri festival, with Devi Puja. In various parts of India, different forms of the Divine Mother – Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati – are worshipped (e.g. Maha Kali in Calcutta).
2 - Victory of Lord Sri Rama over Ravana in the Dvapara Yuga took place on this day.
3 - Shirdi Sai Baba took Mahasamadhi on this day. Shirdi Baba foretold of His departure to a few devotees a few days before ‘crossing the border’. He said to those around Him that the time was approaching for ‘Seema Ulungan’.
4 - Culmination of Grama Seva. Today, the Anantapur sisters carried out the Grama Seva activity in the Ashram itself, distributing Swami’s Love in the form of His Prasadam to all devotees and residents of Prasanthi Nilayam.
5 - Culmination of Vidvan Mahasabha. In the previous years, various talks were given by scholars and students. Our Beloved Swami also has given numerous Divine Discourses during the Dassera festival. Although there were no official talks in the Sai Kulwant Hall this year, the chanting carried out by the priests, who are themselves scholars in the scriptures, will come to an end today.
6 - Culmination of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna with the final Poornahuthi to be offered to the Veda Purusha.
In the early hours of the morning, devotees queued to enter Poornachandra Hall for the Poornahuthi. Students and Vedam boys commenced the usual chanting in Sai Kulwant Hall with hope that Swami would come for Darshan. Back in the Poornachandra Hall, the priests were preparing the final ceremony in anticipation of Swami’s arrival for the Poornahuthi. However, a historical event took place: Swami did not come down for the completion of the Poornahuthi in the morning. All assembled devotees and priests were instructed to return in the afternoon to witness the event. We hope and pray that Bhagavan Baba gives Darshan in the afternoon and gives the opportunity for all those gathered to witness the culmination of the Yajna.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2010
Sunday 17/10/2010: Afternoon
Swami always says ‘Love my uncertainty’ and today, the events unfolded in such a way that all those present were left wondering how the day would conclude. Prasanthi Nilayam was brimming with thousands of devotees, who have travelled from far to witness the final ceremony of the Yajna and, of course, to receive the Divine Darshan of Bhagavan.