Sunday 10/10/2010: Morning
On this auspicious day of Sunday, the day devoted to Sarva Dharma, the UK group began with their Sadhana at 4:45 am with 21 Aumkaars and Suprabhatham. Following this, they received a thought-provoking talk inspired by Swami’s Thought for the Day. The 18 members of the group did their Yoga asanas to prepare for the demanding physical activities that lay ahead.
On this Sunday, 10th October, the Pradikshana took place at 8 am around the Mandir. Soon after, the trucks carrying the food and clothing left the Ashram with various groups of students to cover the dense areas of Bukkapatnam Mandal.
The UK group headed to a village called Buchiagarapalli, where Swami had instructed them to spread His Love and Grace to over 1100 homes. Of the UK group of 18 boys, 10 were on their first Grama Seva trip and were overwhelmed at the love and gratitude of the villagers receiving Swami’s Prasadam, but were also struck by the deprivation faced by the residents in some parts of the village.
Swami’s Prasadam forged a bond of love between the giver and recipient and all were humbled by the experience. While this was going on, the team received the news that Swami gave Darshan at 10:00 am in Sai Kulwant Hall. Although they were not there, they felt Swami’s Presence and Grace in the village.
The UK group is grateful and thankful to Bhagavan Baba for bestowing this opportunity upon them and for creating the Grama Seva project in order for humanity to receive His Love.
Sai Kingdom (UK) Grama Seva Group 2010
Sunday 10/10/2010: Afternoon
This afternoon, Sai Kulwant Hall was brimming with expectation and excitement as we awaited the Divine Darshan of Bhagavan. The Vedam boys began chanting at 16:30 as usual, with Rudram and Purusha Suktam. Soon after, Sai Kulwant Hall was alive with devotional bhajans led by Swami’s students. The bhajans continued until 19:05, when Swami arrived to give Darshan. Our Dear, Sweet Lord fulfilled the wishes of His children by stopping to accept letters, give paadanamaskaar and interact with them.
Swami blessed the group from Himachal Pradesh by allowing them to perform a programme centred on Dasaavatara. The programme was an enactment of the ten main incarnations of Lord Vishnu in the form of music, dance and singing. The assembled crowds were thrilled with the performance given by the group. Swami also enjoyed the performance and was extremely pleased with the group – He distributed gifts to them and allowed numerous photographs to be taken of Him with the performers.
Even though it was almost 9:00 pm, Swami stayed on the portico blessing the group, before moving to the Mandir to bless the awaiting priests, who would be leading the procession for the Pranapratishta ceremony for the Yajna. Swami took Aarthi at 21:30 and shortly afterwards returned to His Divine Abode.